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White Belt
White Belt

Joined: 02 Sep 2021
Posts: 20

Styles: Karate Shotokan, Judo

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:53 am    Post subject: Picking up a MA with elbow injury Reply with quote

The forum won't let me post it in "Choosing a Martial Art, Comparing Styles, and Cross-Training" section, so please move this topic if it's appropriate. However, I think my question might be limited to the grappling martial arts, because I'm not interested in Chinese martial arts and boxing.

Like many practitioners of martial arts, I'm getting interested in picking another one. Preferably one of the martial arts that are the topic of this section: judo, jujitsu, BJJ, aikido.

Unfortunately, I have an obstacle. I trained judo as a child and through repeated minor injuries, my elbow started to fall out of the joint. It doesn't fall out any more, it healed when I stopped practicing judo, but it bends in both directions and I'm afraid it will fall of the joint again if I put too much strain on it.

So having that in mind, is there a martial art or fighting style apart from striking and kicking styles that wouldn't destroy my elbow?
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Black Belt
Black Belt

Joined: 31 Aug 2005
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Styles: Matsumura-Seito, Shobayashi-Ryu, Shudokan, Long Fist, American Street Karate, Southern Mantis, HEMA

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 6:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You don't have to let it be a hindrance to choosing what you want. If you talk to the CI and let them know your situation and they still require that you go all out then they're not a great instructor and you should find a different school.

I have a pretty limited knowledge of the 4 systems you list, but from what I understand I would suggest Aikido as the system that seems easiest on the joints. I could be very wrong, but that sticks out to me.
Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.
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White Belt
White Belt

Joined: 02 Sep 2021
Posts: 20

Styles: Karate Shotokan, Judo

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 7:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you talk to the CI and let them know your situation and they still require that you go all out then they're not a great instructor and you should find a different school.

Thanks for the suggestion, it's a fair point, now that I think about it, I remember people with different injuries exercising. I'll talk to different instructors then.
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