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KF Sensei
KF Sensei

Joined: 23 Feb 2008
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
Styles: Shindokan Saitou-ryu [Shuri-te/Okinawa-te based]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alan Armstrong wrote:
sensei8 wrote:
Even why I'm trying to sincerely support the one day self-defense class, and things seem to me acceptable across the board, it still seems and feels wrong to me. But I'm keeping an open mind!!

Perhaps it would look more obvious if watching adults ice skating for the first time, chaotic looking to say the least.

None maists attempting Sparring for the first time, is gonna look more like a Brawling than anything else, like every thing else, just takes time to develop some basic skills.

For the most, it lacks the resistant training, which is a Shindokan staple, because these participants don't want to be handled. They want to be coddled and go through the motions, and aren't receptive to our brand!! They seem to think that fights happen in slow motion and their attacker will stand still the entire counter.

Still, I'm giving my instructors a wide berth to fine tune this mind, Bob, open mind!!

**Proof is on the floor!!!
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Alan Armstrong
Black Belt
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Posts: 2468

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

sensei8 wrote:
Alan Armstrong wrote:
sensei8 wrote:
Even why I'm trying to sincerely support the one day self-defense class, and things seem to me acceptable across the board, it still seems and feels wrong to me. But I'm keeping an open mind!!

Perhaps it would look more obvious if watching adults ice skating for the first time, chaotic looking to say the least.

None maists attempting Sparring for the first time, is gonna look more like a Brawling than anything else, like every thing else, just takes time to develop some basic skills.

For the most, it lacks the resistant training, which is a Shindokan staple, because these participants don't want to be handled. They want to be coddled and go through the motions, and aren't receptive to our brand!! They seem to think that fights happen in slow motion and their attacker will stand still the entire counter.

Still, I'm giving my instructors a wide berth to fine tune this mind, Bob, open mind!!

You are great sensei8!

Profound insights you have.

Have to agree with you whole heartedly on your own comments.

Once in a while I unleash myself on a student to wake them up to the reality of the fighting world; just with speed, accuracy and efficiency, with no pain inflicted.

As a student can forget very easily and resort to over Interllectuasing and sound like a text book fighter without having any physical fighting skills.

Also allowing a student to hit me and being able to take it is another wake up call for them to think about.

Self defence from my point view, has little to do about fighting and martial arts and more about awareness, avoiding dangerous situations and de-escalating confrontations.

As the best defence is not being there.

However if the situation does call for something physical then keeping it simple, straight and to the point works best.

Starting from using the kiss principle.

KISS = Keep it simple stupid.
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Alan Armstrong
Black Belt
Black Belt

Joined: 28 Feb 2016
Posts: 2468

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 3:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I find it funny anyhow, as I don't teach one day self defence classes, reason being...


Due to
I can't remember the last day I didn't train in martial arts, as I took today off to do some cleaning.

Must admit it feels odd not practicing MA today.

As yesterday I had three work outs, that in total lasted about 10 hours, which is why I cut myself some slack today with a day off.

Was hitting borderline cramps in my calves on the last 1 of 3.

Really deep down I believe learning self defence in one day is not possible.

But perhaps it is more about teaching a person confidence in actually doing something, if attacked, than just falling in to being a helpless victim.

As a first class in Wing Chun could start off with an introduction to developing, Blading defensive skills

Perhaps self defence gadget's might work better for some than others

Truth about bullet proof backpacks, tested, for self defence use.
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