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Alan Armstrong
Black Belt
Black Belt

Joined: 28 Feb 2016
Posts: 2468

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:33 am    Post subject: Just in case - You Are Not training right Reply with quote

Just lately, came across this video.

Titled - You Are Not training right.
(Re: kicking & stretching)

Low and behold (surprise) for me she was absolutely right on, big time!
And not as all ashamed to admit it!

Exited to try out her recommendations...
So much so that I wanted to share and pass this information on to other enthusiast.

Having now changed my routines taking in what have learned from Silvana Kicks and have felt and seen massive improvements in my kicks and flexibility in a relatively short amout of time.

Where don't be fooled by her youth and beauty in this video, as she belongs to a whole family of martial artists, that have obviously helped each other along the martial way.

What do you think, is she on to something here that resonates with you or did you already know these insightful words of wisdom beforehand?

(Please share your thoughts here, as we can all learn and grow from each other)
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