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Pre-Black Belt
Pre-Black Belt

Joined: 14 Dec 2007
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Styles: Matsubyashi-Ryu, Okinawan Kempo, wrestling, bits of BJJ

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The ups and downs of the grind bushido_man96. The mental aspect of wrestling is at least as important as the physical technique. Glad to hear he came back against the kid in the second meeting.
Kisshu fushin, Oni te hotoke kokoro. A demon's hand, a saint's heart. -- Osensei Shoshin Nagamine
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Black Belt
Black Belt

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Styles: Tae Kwon Do & Yang family Tai Chi

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good to hear he's getting some wins in and that he came back and beat that kid.
"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius
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KF Sensei
KF Sensei

Joined: 31 Mar 2006
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Location: Hays, KS
Styles: Taekwondo, Combat Hapkido, Aikido, GRACIE, Police Krav Maga, SPEAR

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ShoriKid wrote:
The ups and downs of the grind bushido_man96. The mental aspect of wrestling is at least as important as the physical technique. Glad to hear he came back against the kid in the second meeting.

I agree, and that's kind of what I've been trying to relate to him over these past few weeks. Winning is great, but being able to deal with the losses, and overcome them like that, is such a valuable lesson. I've expressed to him that he has to win in his head first, then he can win on the mat.

DWx wrote:
Good to hear he's getting some wins in and that he came back and beat that kid.

Thanks, Danielle. I wanted him to get some wins early on, because its so much easier to start off positively with a few wins in there. It may sound selfish a bit, but winning is always a good experience, and that helps out with the experiences in subsequent losses, I think. Beating the kid that slammed him was such a valuable experience for his psyche, I think, and I helped talk to him about how he knows he can win against him, but that the other kid might win again, too. So he has to keep up the hard work.

Before every meet, I always ask him, "What's the most important thing today?" And he knows the answer is always, "Work hard, and do my best." Not just about winning.
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KF Sensei
KF Sensei

Joined: 31 Mar 2006
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Location: Hays, KS
Styles: Taekwondo, Combat Hapkido, Aikido, GRACIE, Police Krav Maga, SPEAR

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

On the weekend of 1/12 and 1/13/2013, we did a double-header. We did an open tournament on Saturday, and it went well. He wrestled 3 matches. The first match, he won by technical fall, against a kid he hadn't competed against yet. Next match was against the same kid from that he had been slammed by previously, and he beat him again, but points. Third match was against the kid in our club, and was a win by points.

On Sunday, we competed in the Novice tournament, and he won that one, as well. His first match was against a kid he wrestled in his first tournament, and that kid had improved quite a bit. He was able to be him by tech fall, and then he wrestled the same kid from his club again, winning by points, but it was pretty close.

A good weekend, and he is just getting better every week. The coaches have also now pulled him into the advanced group, so his hard work is really paying off! So proud of him.
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Black Belt
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sound like he is doing great so far this season. A tech fall is as good as a pin if not better in my opinion. You guys keep up the good work. And on the losing if you can relate to him even the best athletes lose from time to time and that is we're you learn from the mistakes you make. But again congratulations.
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KF Sensei
KF Sensei

Joined: 23 Feb 2008
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
Styles: Shindokan Saitou-ryu [Shuri-te/Okinawa-te based]

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, he's having a great season thus far, and again, you two experiencing this together is awesome. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Do you have any video that you can share with us?

**Proof is on the floor!!!
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KF Sensei
KF Sensei

Joined: 31 Mar 2006
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Styles: Taekwondo, Combat Hapkido, Aikido, GRACIE, Police Krav Maga, SPEAR

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We've got some recorded. I'll see if I can get some uploaded to share.

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. We're on a short break now, and probably won't do another meet until February. And I think next year we'll try to take him to some of the bigger tournaments, so he can get some experience with the kids who tend to qualify for state meets. He's also expressed interest in the free-style season coming up after folk style.
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KF Sensei
KF Sensei

Joined: 23 Feb 2008
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
Styles: Shindokan Saitou-ryu [Shuri-te/Okinawa-te based]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How are you calming his impatience while he's on this short break? Training at the school/home? Just letting him be himself? Ants in the pants are a real thing when surrounded by the absence of his MA norm.

Again, very proud of the both of you!!

**Proof is on the floor!!!
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KF Sensei
KF Sensei

Joined: 31 Mar 2006
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Location: Hays, KS
Styles: Taekwondo, Combat Hapkido, Aikido, GRACIE, Police Krav Maga, SPEAR

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We do plenty at home when he isn't Wrestling. Skylanders Giants takes quite a bit of our time. We do work on some things at home, too. After tonight's practice, we've got some things to work on at nights.
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KF Sensei
KF Sensei

Joined: 23 Feb 2008
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
Styles: Shindokan Saitou-ryu [Shuri-te/Okinawa-te based]

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's always legos to free away from training to avoid any burnout possibilities. It's the much work and not enough play.

**Proof is on the floor!!!
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