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Black Belt
Black Belt

Joined: 17 Jan 2007
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Styles: Tae Kwon Do & Yang family Tai Chi

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 4:24 pm    Post subject: New World Taekwondo Competition Rules Reply with quote

New rules have been approved for WT Taekwondo to come into force from the 2018 Youth Olympic Games:

*The valid turning kick to the trunk protector is now four points and valid turning kick to the head is now five points.

*A gamjeom can now be issued if an athlete has one leg outside of the boundary line and referees will now only wait for five seconds before issuing a gamjeom to athletes who are not engaging in the fight. Using an alternative foot technique will also result in a gamjeom.

*A weigh-in for randomly selected athletes will take place two hours before the competition. Athletes must be within 5% of their body weight category to be approved. This new weigh-in will take place in addition to the universal weigh-in the day before the competition and will protect athletes from dangerously losing weight to fit into the category.

*The Golden Point Round has been renamed Golden Round. Athletes are now required to get two points in the Golden Round to win as opposed to one point under the previous rules.

*In the event there is no winner of the Golden Round, the winner will be declared in the order of: who succeeded in making a body punch, who made the most registered hits, the athlete who won the most rounds in the previous three rounds, and the athlete who got less gamjeoms in the four rounds.

What does everyone think to the new rules? Positive thing or negative?
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Yellow Belt
Yellow Belt

Joined: 12 Sep 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tinkering at the edges for mine. the biggest issue is the stinky toes factor - if getting a touch of your smelly feet remains 4-5 points, but a solid kick to the trunk half that, we'll remain with the stand off approach and less action. Reducing punching points worth even further also seems a mistake, it should be a valid defence and option to strike approaching a clinch.

Could be wrong but I don't see any worth in these updates
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KF Sensei
KF Sensei

Joined: 31 Mar 2006
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Styles: Taekwondo, Combat Hapkido, Aikido, GRACIE, Police Krav Maga, SPEAR

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't like seeing point values that high. What that signals to me is that they are trying to encourage audience interest with high scoring numbers. I'd rather see a point for a body punch, 2 points for body kick, 3 points for head kick, and add a point to each for a jumping kick. I would consider point differentials for spinning as well, but I'd leave them out for now.
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