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Pre-Black Belt
Pre-Black Belt

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Styles: Shotokan, Judo, BJJ

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2023 2:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wayofaswede wrote:
Thanks for the advice, DarthPenguin. I think one explanation is that we have had very little focus on kumite - I haven’t even been required to perform kumite during testing for my latest grades. So I think CI deliberately wants to step things up a notch, he did say ”use any technique, as long as you take it easy and it’s controlled”.

I did talk to CI after last training and told him it was a good lesson that such a technique had to be expected and he once again pointed out that it’s easy to miss defense against it, but that it’s really easy to defend against once you’re aware it can occur

Today it’s club training again, so I’ll get ”back up on the horse” and will be much more ready and aware this time if we do kumite - especially if my training partner is known for good and lightning fast techniques

I have decided to look at what happened and the challenges ahead as if it was the starting point of a long testing cycle for a potential black belt. I have never reached such an advanced level as this in any MA before, so I’m in unknown and daunting - but interesting, fascinating and exciting - territory from know on.

Thank you for all wise and supportive feedback

Sounds like it taught a useful lesson (maybe that was the instructors point!) which will stand you in good stead going forwards.

I've always been taught that in any kumite you should expect someone to hit you with anything and be ready to defend yourself as someone might misjudge something slightly and you could get hard. At my shotokan gradings we are told to strike to hit - if the opponent misses their block/evasion and you don't hit them (with control) then it is a mark against you!

The one that really brought it all together for me was years ago when i was a white belt in a taekwondo offshoot i trained it, at my first grading i stepped in with a backfist and the guy just walked forward and i ended up breaking his nose! I was seriously worried as i didn't want to hurt someone plus i thought i would get in trouble. The grading examiner just said "the technique was fine, you had judged the distance properly, he just blindly walked forward into it with no defense and got hit. His fault not yours". Made it clear to me how much you are responsible for your own safety!
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Orange Belt
Orange Belt

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, Bushido and Darth. ”Be ready to defend against anything” will be my kumite motto from now on. I have started to incorporate that thought and now practice guarding higher than before during warm-up and kihon.

CI wants us three who reached 2 kyu to train another semester before testing for 1 kyu, so there was no testing for me.

BUT as a proud father I could see my oldest daughter pass her exam for 8 kyu Wonderful, touching moment to see her go through the kihon and katas all on her own in the middle of the dojo.

Spring semester is over and ”summer solo training season” has begun. Today I went through the 4 new ji no katas and the katas required for 1 kyu.

Was happy to discover that of the ”Big four” katas, I only know two of them (Kosokun/Kushanku-Dai and Bassai-Dai) and the other two comes at 2nd and 3rd Dan levels in our club! - so many years of training left. Makes me happy, humble and excited about the seemingly endless MA road ahead.

The path so far: 2 kyu Karate (Shito-ryu), 3 kyu Aikido (Aikikai), 5 kyu Judo, 9 kyu Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Not a day without a kata
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Pre-Black Belt
Pre-Black Belt

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 3:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent, congrats to your daughter

Also good that the CI gave you a clear expectation for when you can try for 1st kyu - i always find that it is good to have a goal in mind and something to work towards, rather than just aimlessly going on (though i do know that everyone is different!)
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Orange Belt
Orange Belt

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 11:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, Darth I definitely agree

First club session for the fall semester took place yesterday for me and my daughter.

Great high-intensity double-session (for me) containing among many other things: Kumite and katas Sanchin and Rohai with bunkai practice.

Feels good to have done the dreaded ”first after the long summer break” with all the ache that of course means today (and tomorrow)

Hope you’re all having a great semester.

The path so far: 2 kyu Karate (Shito-ryu), 3 kyu Aikido (Aikikai), 5 kyu Judo, 9 kyu Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Not a day without a kata
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Orange Belt
Orange Belt

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haven’t been much focus on testing for 1kyu this semester. My focus has been on making my daughter’s training fun, since she and another little boy are the only children left in the club and there is no separate group or training for children. So I usually do most kote kitai, bunkai and kumite with her.

Last Saturday, final training session before testing, we missed class since she was ill and I had to stay home to take care of her.

Yesterday I caught the same cold/flu. And found en email from my C.I. posted the day before. It said he thinks I’m ready to test for 1kyu on Saturday (tomorrow) if I want to. What a surprise! Mixed emotions, happy to hear he thinks I’m ready to advance in spite of all ”child-friendly” karate I’ve been doing this semester. Disappointed about the untimely cold.

Actually lay in a semi-feverish state (this post is written on the phone in the same ”flu-state”, so I apologize if it’s a bit incoherent ) last night and started going through all katas and bunkai so far. Will take a miracle for me to get healthy and be able to test already tomorrow, though

But just the knowledge that I’m ready for 1kyu is a well-needed boost of confidence for next semester and next testing opportunity

I hope you’re all doing and training well, and that you reach your goals whichever they may be.

The path so far: 2 kyu Karate (Shito-ryu), 3 kyu Aikido (Aikikai), 5 kyu Judo, 9 kyu Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Not a day without a kata
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KF Sensei
KF Sensei

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hope your daughter and you kick the flu very soon. Great news that your CI has informed you that you're ready for your Ikkyu Testing Cycle. Train hard and train well, Wayoftheswede.

**Proof is on the floor!!!
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KF Sensei
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For sure, get well soon! Those testings will be coming soon enough.
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Orange Belt
Orange Belt

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 4:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks a lot Sensei and Bushido-man

Much better now, hoping we can join last class this semester tomorrow

The path so far: 2 kyu Karate (Shito-ryu), 3 kyu Aikido (Aikikai), 5 kyu Judo, 9 kyu Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Not a day without a kata
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Pre-Black Belt
Pre-Black Belt

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 4:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

best of luck, though i'm sure it won't be needed!
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Orange Belt
Orange Belt

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Darth

My daughter has decided to quit our club and will try training in one that has many more children (our current doesn’t take in any new children, she’s the only one left in her age and rank). I realized that I also will have to start training in the new club if she decides to join it.

For a while I felt sad and dissapointed, as my current club teaches both Shito and Goju ryu and katas from both styles. Then I found a solution: I will join my daughter for the basic sessions in the new club, but keep training the basic+advanced sessions in my regular club! (if I have the stamina left for those that particular week )

Seems like there is a chance that I suddenly will be training in two clubs in 2024 and that there some weeks may be up to 4 hours karate club training instead of the regular 2. We’ll see. Exciting and somewhat daunting weeks ahead…

The path so far: 2 kyu Karate (Shito-ryu), 3 kyu Aikido (Aikikai), 5 kyu Judo, 9 kyu Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Not a day without a kata
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